Saturday, 17 March 2012

A sincere apology

After the last day of my final exam,
first of February 2012,
something happen to me.

I keep forget some of my past,
forget the conversation between my friends,
forget my friends' name and look,
forget concept of time,

I just wanna to say some words to my friends,

Sunday, 11 March 2012

8 March 2012

Anything so special on this day?
For me, YUP..
On that day, I get my GCE A-level result.

I was happy,
because I know myself,
because I gather with my friends,
because I finished my pre-U.

I felt sad,
because I woke up early to emo,
because I get my result :(

Few days ago before that day,
some of my friends, my coursemates, include me,
start to countdown,
from weeks to days,
from days to hours,
from hours to minutes.

This countdown make my heartbeat increases day by day,
Also make my hours for sleeping decreases.

My result is not that good,
I felt abit pity for myself,
but at least I did my best on the total of 21 papers (include 3 retaking papers),
Kamiyo, arigatō !

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